Good Governance
Overcoming and innovative spirit
Welcome changes
The PEMC was established by the PEMC Act 2013 to supervise and evaluate the overall performance of the Public Enterprises. Although autonomous, the Commission reports directly to its parent ministry, the Ministry of Finance, Trade Investment and Economic Planning.
PEMC is governed by a Board of Commissioners whereby the Minister determines the appointments as stipulated under Section 7 of the PEMC Act. The Commission is headed by the Chief Executive Officer whereby the appointment is determined by The President.
Meet The Acting Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Georges Tirant was appointed the Chief Executive Officer of the Public Enterprise Monitoring Commission in July 2017.
He started his career with the Central Bank of Seychelles as an Insurance Supervision Officer in 2008. In 2009 he was promoted to the post of Director of Insurance Supervision within the same institution.
In January 2011 Mr. Tirant was appointed Director for Consumer Protection within the Seychelles’ Fair Trading Commission, a new institution established in 2009 to protect consumers and the competition process within the Republic.
In March 2013, he became the CEO of Fair Trading Commission until his appointment at the Public Enterprise Monitoring Commission.

Mr. William Zarine
ceo's secretariat
Secretariat is responsible for:
Overseeing the day to day running of the Commission.
Undertaking secretarial duties.
The upkeep and maintenance of a library for the Commission.
Maintaining both soft and hard copies of relevant documents and continuously update the database. Submitting to the National Assembly a copy of the Audited Accounts of the PEs.
Requesting any CEO or Chairperson of any PE to appear before the Commission to clarify any issues regarding the governance, finance or any other aspects covered within the Act.
human resources and administrative office
This division ensures that:
Adequate human resources and financial support is given to the Commission.
Proper accounting software is put in place to facilitate financial transactions.
Proper books of accounts are kept.
A physical and electronic filing system is created and continuously updated.