Seychelles Trading Company Limited (STC)
Date of Incorporation: 10th December 2007
Sector: Service and Development
Parent Ministry:
The Minister responsible for Trade
Ownership: 100% GoS
Business type: Company
STC took over some of the activities and assets of Seychelles Marketing Board (SMB) such as wholesale, retail and manufacturing operations.
STC is now a trading company, with its core business being the imports, storage and distribution of essential and basic foods.
core activities
To company is:
to carry on the business as importer, wholesaler, retailer, distributor and exporter of all kinds of goods and products
to carry on the business as commission agent
to carry on the business as representative of manufacturers and distributors of goods
to own, buy, sell or otherwise deal in immovable property
to carry on any business in connection with any one or all the afore-mentions objects
Bois De Rose Investment Limited (BDRIL)
audited financial statements
Name: Bois De Rose Investment Limited (BDRIL)
Sector: Service and Development
Parent Ministry: Minister responsible for Trade
Business type: Company
Leases out shopping complex on Bois De Rose Avenue